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Fruits and Veggies can Cause Gut Problems

Gas and bloating caused by increased consumption of fruits and vegetables can make adoption of a low fat diet very difficult for some people.

Fruits and Veggies can Cause Gut Problems
Gastrointestinal Upset and Irritable Bowel Symptoms as Barriers to Increased Fruit and Vegetable Consumption for Weight Loss

Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is often recommended as part of a healthy, balanced diet to support weight loss. They are nutrient-dense, low in calories, and high in fiber, which can help promote satiety and overall health. However, for some individuals, gastrointestinal (GI) upset and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms can serve as significant barriers to increasing fruit and vegetable intake. This essay will discuss the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption, GI upset, IBS symptoms, and their impact on weight loss efforts, citing relevant literature.

Fruits, Vegetables, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Some fruits and vegetables contain specific carbohydrates, such as FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols), which can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms in susceptible individuals. As mentioned earlier, FODMAPs are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and can lead to increased gas production, bloating, and altered gut motility when fermented by gut bacteria (Gibson & Shepherd, 2005). For people with IBS or other GI sensitivities, this can result in symptoms such as abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

In a study by Böhn et al. (2015), it was found that a significant proportion of IBS patients reported worsening of symptoms when consuming specific fruits and vegetables. This may lead to avoidance or reduced consumption of these foods, which can impact the success of weight loss efforts that promote increased fruit and vegetable intake.

Additionally, the high fiber content in fruits and vegetables, while generally beneficial for weight loss and overall health, can also cause GI discomfort in some individuals, particularly when increasing fiber intake rapidly (Christodoulides et al., 2016). This may further discourage people from consuming the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Overcoming Barriers to Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

To overcome these barriers, several strategies can be employed:

  1. Gradual increase in fiber intake: Increasing fiber intake gradually, rather than rapidly, can help minimize GI symptoms and allow the body to adjust to the increased fiber (Christodoulides et al., 2016).

  2. Identifying personal triggers: Individuals with IBS or GI sensitivities may benefit from identifying their specific triggers and adjusting their diet accordingly. This may involve following a low-FODMAP diet and working with a dietitian or healthcare professional to develop a personalized dietary plan that includes tolerated fruits and vegetables (Halmos et al., 2014; Staudacher et al., 2017).

  3. Cooking methods: Cooking fruits and vegetables may help reduce GI symptoms by breaking down some of the indigestible carbohydrates and making them easier to digest (Muir et al., 2009).

  4. Portion control: Consuming smaller portions of fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in FODMAPs, may help reduce GI symptoms while still allowing for increased consumption in line with weight loss goals.


While fruits and vegetables are integral to a healthy, balanced diet for weight loss, GI upset and IBS symptoms can pose significant barriers to their increased consumption. By identifying personal triggers, adjusting dietary plans, and employing strategies such as gradual fiber increases and appropriate cooking methods, individuals can successfully incorporate fruits and vegetables into their diet and overcome these barriers, ultimately supporting their weight loss efforts.


Böhn, L., Störsrud, S., Liljebo, T., Collin, L., Lindfors, P., Törnblom, H., & Simrén, M. (2015). Diet low in FODMAPs reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

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